About Us
Sanat Zaman Company is an active member of IRI Industrial Equipment and Utilities Contractor Companies and also member of the Iranian Tunneling Association. Sanat Zamn company has one grad in the field of water and construction And in the areas of Utilities, Equipment, Road Making, Industry and Mines and has been ranked by the Presidential Deputy of planning and Practical Supervisory Body.
The main activities of this company, including the finished projects and those under construction, have been in such fields, like Water, Construction, Facilities as well as Equipment, and since its institution, it has been engaged in so many projects in the said fields, and at the present time, more than 2 projects are being implemented by it.
Employing the professional and experienced technical staff, and the professional and qualified executive teams, as well as applying the suitable and ready-to-work machinery and equipment, Sanat Sazan enjoys a high experience and ability to implement the Water and Construction projects such as: hydraulic structures and water tunnels, water transmitting canals, water transmission and distribution lines, sewage collection and transmission networks by using the "Micro Tunneling & Pipe Jacking" method, as well as the buildings with the concrete or metal structures.